Browse a selection of our books on Garden History, Landscape Architecture and Early Horticulture….
DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE ET ARTISTIQUE DE LA ROSE. Contenant Un Résumé De L'Histoire De La Rose Chez Tous Les Peuples Anciens Et Modernes; Ses Propriétés, Ses Vertus, Etc.
Melun: E. Drosne, Imprimeur Breveté, 1896. First book edition (previously published as a series in the JOURNAL DES ROSES from 1893 to 1896). This "dictionary" is more properly described as a compilation of diverse entries relating to the rose's history, traditions, stories and legends, origins, characteristics, ceremonial and decorative uses, etc. It serves as a work of plant lore with far-ranging entries on subjects as diverse as ceramics (including a four page treatment of the use of the rose image in pottery, etc.) sorcery, Napoleon and numerous other historical figures and similar diverse topics. Stock 115. 8vo (22.1 x 14.2 cm); (vi) + 207 + (v) pp.
Original pink paper wrappers, slight yellowing from age; text largely unopened; minor little tear to lower rear free endpaper, but a fine copy.
Book ID: 16280More details Price: £40.00 -
THE ANNALS OF HORTICULTURE; And Yearbook Of Information On Practical Gardening.
London: Houlston and Stoneman, 1847. The second of five annual volumes of this illustrated monthly gardening periodical. The editorship and most of the articles are anonymous, although George Glenny is cited as the author of many of them, including a series of short monographs on individual flowers. The content is focused largely on garden flowers, with only an occasional article on fruits or trees. 8vo (25.7 x 16.5 cm); xvi + 576 pp. with occasional wood-engraved text illustrations + hand-colored lithograph frontispiece.
Original gilt embossed decorative cloth; head and heel of spine lightly worn; color frontispiece and engraved title foxed.
Book ID: 14755More details Price: £130.00 -
THE ANNALS OF HORTICULTURE; And Yearbook Of Information On Practical Gardening.
London: Charles Cox, 1848. The third of five annual volumes of this illustrated monthly gardening periodical. The editorship and most of the articles are anonymous, although George Glenny is cited as the author on many of them, including a series of short monographs on individual flowers. The content is focused largely on garden flowers, although this volume also includes a few articles relating to landscape design and garden architecture. There is also an attractive hand-colored floral frontispiece by James Andrews. 8vo (25.7 x 16.5 cm); xvi + 576 pp. with occasional wood-engraved text illustrations + hand-colored lithograph frontispiece.
Original gilt embossed decorative cloth; spine extremities chipped and worn.
Book ID: 14756More details Price: £130.00 -
FIGURES POUR L'ALMANACH DU BON JARDINIER, Représentant Les Utensiles Les Plus Généralement Employés Dan La Culture Des Jardins...
Paris: Audot, n.d. (ca, 1820). Second, enlarged edition of the FIGURES, a supplementary and complementary volume to the essential early French gardening almanach, LE BON JARDINIER, which began publication in 1755 and is still being published today. The 30 plates depict botanical subjects, such as roots, leaves, flowers and fruits, horticultural practices, such as grafts and propagation by cuttings and layering, and, of particular interest, a variety of garden tools or utensils such as cloches, spades, water pots, rakes, shovels, a fruit picker, etc. 12mo (17.8 x 10 cm); 37 pp. + 30 engraved plates.
Contemporary marbled paper over boards, with paper spine label, lightly soiled and, also chipped; occasional foxing.
Book ID: 14402More details Price: £200.00 -
MANUEL FLOREAL DES PLANTES, Ou Traité De Toutes Les Plantes Qui Peuvent Servir D'Ornement Dans Les Jardins, Les Orangeries, Les Serres Chaudes, Et Principalement Dans Les Parterres; Auquel On A Joint, En Forme De Supplément, une Notice Sur Celles Qui Se Cultivent Dans Les Grandes Indes, Pour La Beauté, Tant De Leurs Feuillages, Que De Leurs Fleurs; Une Dissertation Sur Les Plantes Des Environs De Paris, Qui Peuvent Servir Pareillement D'Ornement Dans Les Jardins, Et Une Autre Sur Les Plantes, Arbustes Et Arbrisseaux Propres A Faire Les Haies Et Clôtures Des Jardins Et Autres Enclos Champêtres.
Contemporary full mottled sheep, scuffed and worn; lower corner of rear cover heavily worn into pasteboard; some foxing.
Book ID: 14328More details Price: £200.00 -
NOUVEAU TRAITÉ DES OEILLETS. La Façon La Plus Utile & Facile De Les Bien Cultiver, Leurs Noms, Leurs Couleurs, & Leur Beauté. Avec La Liste De Plus Nouveaux.
Contemporary vellum, soiled, small portion of one corner rear board worn away.
Book ID: 15004More details Price: £325.00 -
Paris: Librairie Agricole De La Maison Rustique, (1867). A volume in the series, "Bibliotheque Du Jardinier." After beginning with a little thumb-nail history of garden style which culminates in the jardin paysager, the text addresses technical matters of surveying and preparing a plan in Part One, and, then, the principles of planning and ornamentation in Part Two. The movement of the sun across the landscape, the use of water, and the formation of allées are discussed, as well as the formation of woods, the use of flowers, choice of structures and types of fountains. A concluding chapter describes examples of jardins paysagers such as Parc Monceau, Parc de Morainville, Parc de Saint-James, etc. 8vo (18.8 x 10.9 cm); 142 pp. with engraved text figures from drawings and diagrams.
Original printed paper covers with engraved vignette on upper cover; spine ends chipped, affecting spine lettering; scattered light to heavy foxing in text; in appendix of publisher's ads, small tear to lower margin slightly affecting a bit of text.
Book ID: 15951More details Price: £100.00 -
HISTORIQUE DE LA CREATION D'UNE RICHESSE MILLIONNAIRE PAR LA CULTURE DE PINS, Ou Application Du Traité-Practique de Cette Culture Publié en 1826
Paris: Huzard, 1827. With 3 color plates. "Cet historique fait suite aux deux editions du TRAITE-PRACTIQUE DE LA CULTURE DE PINS A GRANDES CULTURES.(1820, 1826)." Delamarre describes his 300 hectare property, a parcel near Brionne in Normandy acquired in 1802. It was composed of a parc with a chateau, a "Bois des Remises," a larger "Bois de Valleville," and a very old tract of land transformed by Delamarre into a wood. He provides great detail of the success he had there in the cultivation of pines. 8vo (22 x 14 cm); vii + (i) + 308 pp. + 3 hand-colored engraved plates.
Original printed paper cover with chips at extremities; infrequent faint foxing, occasional underlining in red pen.
Book ID: 15787More details Price: £50.00 -
A Series Of Reproductions Of Contemporary Drawings Hitherto Unpublished By Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau Selected and Described With An Account Of The Artist & His Works by W.H. WARD.
Original paper covered boards printed in brown with with cream colored paper spine also printed in brown; bookseller's ticket on front past-down; a fine copy.
Book ID: 15886More details Price: £195.00 -
Le Monde Des Fleurs/ Tableaux Et Livres Précieux.
(Nogent-sur- Marne: Maison Nationale Des Artiste), 1967. The catalogue for an exhibition of floral paintings and books inspired by the famous GUIRLANDE DE JULIE whose original was created as a manuscript collection of poems and flower paintings presented in 1641 as a birthday gift to Julie-Lucine d'Angennes de Rambouillet by her fiancé, the marquis de Montausier. This work is often cited as having initiated the genre of the floral gift book and contributed to the later literary fashion for floral symbolism and the development of the language of flowers. The text of the catalogue inclues a biographical essay on both Julie and de Montausier, 28vo (27 x 18.5 cm); 52 pp. including color frontispiece from portrait + 7 color and 2 black and white full page reproductions of paintngs or engravings.
Original glossy paper wrappers with color garland printed on upper cover.
Book ID: 15583More details Price: £20.00 -
Original cloth backed, paper covered boards in original glassine wrapper.
Book ID: 16379More details Price: £145.00 -
Original color printed cards tied with original or contemporary ribbon. Fine.
Book ID: 16136More details Price: £80.00 -
New Orleans, LA & Elmhurst, Cal: D. Moriarty, ca. 1904. A trade catalogue of curious inventions in vases with hollow interiors allowing the roots to connect directly with the ground. Also, a decorative “truck “ or tray filled with dirt for the roots to grow into is available to make the vases moveable. Some vases are available in different colored imitation granite. Those shown in color plate are available in “Red Scotch granite,” “Blue Westerly granite,” “ Dark Barre granite,” “Vermont marble” and “Green Barre granite.” Prices are included and, for extra charge, the vases could be carved “as elegantly as desired.” Not found in OCLC. Stapled oblong pamphlet, 17 x 25.5 cm.; 12 unnumbered pp. with text figures and with 5 color lithographed plates.
Original paper covers with printed title design on upper cover; also rubber stamp indicating Grand Prize win at the World’s Fair on upper cover; on title page, two rubber stamps indicating Grand Prize award at the St. Louis 1904 World’s Fair; the faintest occasional foxing, else fine.
Book ID: 16217More details Price: £150.00 -
Original publisher’s decoratively embossed leather”Venetian” style, some scuffing to extremities, pictorial endpapers; apart from light scuffing, a very good copy.
Book ID: 16156More details Price: £200.00 -
PRACTICAL CAMELLIA CULTURE: A Treatise On The Propagation And Culture Of The Camellia Japonica.
Baltimore: (The Author), 1880. First edition of the first book on the camellia written by an American. Halliday was a nurseryman and florist located in Baltimore. He was a dedicated proponent of camellia propagation from cuttings, a practice which at that time was less common than grafting. He gives detailed instructions for all stages of development and includes several instructive text illustrations as well as five color plates. Halliday's advice was particularly directed to commercial growers, with much attention paid to issues such as market prices and the profitablilty of different methods of cultivation. He was also a partisan of the alba plena variety, and offers much of his advice specifically for that plant. 12mo (19.2 x 12 cm); 142 pp. with 43 wood-engraved text illustrations + 5 chromolithographed plates.
Original cloth with gilt camellia design on upper cover, gilt lettered spine, very slight wear to spine ends, corners gently bumped; original endpapers and publisher's announcement slip for the forthcoming PRACTICAL AZALEA CULTURE tipped in at front endpapers; 2 tissue guards removed; a very good copy.
Book ID: 15863More details Price: £250.00 -
Leigh-on Sea: F. Lewis, Publishers, Ltd, (1978). Edition limited to 500 copies. A study of the important school of French flower painters centered in Lyon in the 19th century, their connections to the textile industry, and the progress of the École des Beaux Arts at Lyon. The bulk of the text consists of an alphabetical annotated catalogue of flower painters, including available biographical and professional details. Illustrated with a color frontispiece reproducing a painting by Francois Lepage and 51 black and white reproductions of paintings by other members of the school. 4to (28.5 x 21 cm); 88 pp. + mounted color frontispiece + 51 black and white plates.
Original cloth in lightly frayed dust jacket.
Book ID: 14373More details Price: £25.00 -
HERBIER DU JOURNAL DES DEMOISELLES. Plantes De L'Été. Fleurs Des Moissons.
Original green cloth portfolio with title stamped in gold and a rose branch embossed in green, white and gold; recent ivory satin ties, one of which detached; plates excellent except for an occasional line of dust along top edge.
Book ID: 13929More details Price: £260.00 -
MANUEL DE L'HERBORISTE, L'Épicier-Droguiste Et Du Grainier-Pépiniériste et Horticulteur.
Paris: Roret, 1828. A two-volume Roret manual providing details on plant characteristics: where they grow, what their medical properties are and what their chemical analysis reveals. Henri Tollard contributed the portion of the manual addressed to the needs of nursery and seedsmen, horticulturists. Two volumes, 18mo (14.5 x 19.5 cm); 445 (iii); 558 pp. + 5 folding charts.
Original printed paper covers, worn at spine heels, light to moderate foxing to text, but otherwise well preserved.
Book ID: 15777More details Price: £260.00 -
Sa Dame Et Ses Jardins.
Paris: Librairie Bloud, 1925. Signed presentation inscription on half-title. 8vo (18.7 x 12 cm); 205 pp.
Original printed paper wraps.
Book ID: 15572More details Price: £35.00 -
Et Sur Une Grande Partie Des Jardins De L'Europe.
Paris: Editions Bossard, 1922. An annotated reprint, edited by Ernest de Ganay, of the enlarged second edition of 1786, with appendices incorporating additional material from the rare edition included in de Ligne's MÉLANGES MILITAIRES, LITTÉRAIRES ET SENTIMENTAIRES published in 1795. Ganay has also added his own 34 page introduction. Ganay 110. 16mo (19.3 x 13.5 cm); (5)-333 pp. + frontispiece portrait.
Original printed paper wraps, well preserved; text unopened.
Book ID: 15586More details Price: £10.00