Paris: Emile-Paul Frères, 1919. First edition, from the eighteenth century manuscript. A signed presentation inscription from Ganay. This copy unnumbered, but....”auteur” of an edition limited to 750 copies on papier vélin fin de Voiron and 27 on papier en forme de japon. With an introduction by Ernest de Ganay who recounts the recovery of this eighteenth century treatise in manuscript form at the Bibliothèque municipale de Caen. Harcourt was "...a pioneer of informal landscape gardening in France." (OXFORD COMPANION TO GARDENS pg. 244.) whose own garden designs at Harcourt were mentioned in DeLille's poem on gardens and in Arthur Young's travel account of 1788. Harcourt's designs for the Princess of Monaco's gardens at Betz is referred to in a 1792 edition of Cerutti's LES JARDINS DE BETZ. Although the treatise existed as somewhat "secret" literature among Harcourt's contemporaries and peers, it was publicly referred or alluded to by the Prince de Ligne, De Lille and Arthur Young. At Harcourt's reception at the French Academy in 1789 M. Gaillard claimed that the treatise was composed before a theory for the design of "jardins irreguliers" was known in France. Ganay 403 and Ganay/Vignal 5. 18mo (15.5 x 10.6 cm); 253 + (v) pp.
Original pink paper wraps, soiled, with printed title label on upper cover; printed paper wraps, nicked at head and heel of spine.
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