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  • (Architectural Drawing)
    CARR, Terence.

    (Woking): n.d. (ca. 1935). An eye-catching pen and ink wash drawing for worker/agricultural stone cottages in Cornwall designed by Carr, who worked for the well known architectural firm of W.D. Caroe. In this large drawing, Carr outlines the layout for 40 houses situated within a village green. It shows the first floor plans of the houses as they are arranged in a half circle, along with detailed elevations for West side and North side groupings. One pair of cottages is shown in front and back elevation. Room measurements are given for parlour, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and bathrooms. Carr worked from Garthowen, Woking. Notice of his work on church architecture with W.D. Caroe can be found on the Lambeth…


    (Woking): n.d. (ca. 1935). An eye-catching pen and ink wash drawing for worker/agricultural stone cottages in Cornwall designed by Carr, who worked for the well known architectural firm of W.D. Caroe. In this large drawing, Carr outlines the layout for 40 houses situated within a village green. It shows the first floor plans of the houses as they are arranged in a half circle, along with detailed elevations for West side and North side groupings. One pair of cottages is shown in front and back elevation. Room measurements are given for parlour, living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and bathrooms. Carr worked from Garthowen, Woking. Notice of his work on church architecture with W.D. Caroe can be found on the Lambeth Palace Library’s Church Plans online website. We also find mention of his winning a prize in the Industrial Design Competition of 1930 (see REPORT ON THE COMPETITION OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS, 1930, in “Journal of the Royal Society of Arts” Volume 78, No. 4063 pp. 1150-1172), but this must have been in his student days. The drawing offered here is an accomplished presentation for an entire project. Single sheet (68 x 47 cm); in pen, ink wash, black, green, red and tans, illustrating layout and elevations.


    With three tears, closed, in the sheet, and some rubbing at ink title on the bottom of the drawing. In a recent matt mounting. Very good.

    Book ID: 16318
    Tags: ollympia6
    View cart More details Price: £275.00
  • (Gardens, Venice)
    EDEN, F.

    London: “Country Life”, 1903. The original edition of a first hand account of the creation, at the hands of English expatriates, of what would become a legendary Venetian garden, giardino eden, on La Guidecca in the Venetian lagoon. Located behind the Redentore, this one-time vegetable patch was transformed by Frederic (great uncle of the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden) and Carolyn Eden ( the sister of Gertrude Jekyll) into a little English pleasure ground of pollarded willows, roses, Madonna lilies, irises, etc. beginning in 1884. While importing their own native tastes, the Edens took care to respect the local character of their grounds, “ Building on formal lines made by the canals, an abandoned orchard had been crossed with…


    London: “Country Life”, 1903. The original edition of a first hand account of the creation, at the hands of English expatriates, of what would become a legendary Venetian garden, giardino eden, on La Guidecca in the Venetian lagoon. Located behind the Redentore, this one-time vegetable patch was transformed by Frederic (great uncle of the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden) and Carolyn Eden ( the sister of Gertrude Jekyll) into a little English pleasure ground of pollarded willows, roses, Madonna lilies, irises, etc. beginning in 1884. While importing their own native tastes, the Edens took care to respect the local character of their grounds, “ Building on formal lines made by the canals, an abandoned orchard had been crossed with straight walks covered by 600-700 yards of square-topped vine-clad pergola.” (Festing, S. GERTRUDE JEKYLL p. 154). Traditional structures and ornaments were used. Eden includes an interesting account of well-making on the island and in the garden. The prominence of the Edens in the expatriate community brought notable guests to the garden, as did the caché of later residents such as Princess Aspasia of Greece and her daughter and son-in-law, the King and Queen of Yugoslavia. Henry James, Anna de Noailles, Maurice Barres and Jean Cocteau are also associated with the spot. D’Annunzio set a scene there in his IL FUOCO. In LES DELICES DE L’ITALIE, Jean Louis Vaudoyer calls the garden “the most alluring place in the world to abandon oneself to melancholy.” (as quoted in Weal, M.T., POSTFACE; A GARDEN IN VENICE ). The garden was locked up after the death of its last occupant, but garden historian John Hall obtained entrance and wrote a description for HORTUS, Autumn 2003. “ the most alluring place...” Small 4to (23 x 18 cm); (vi) +135 + (1) pp. with decorative head and tail pieces, initial letters and text figures, from older engravings, including some from the Dream of Polyphilis, + frontispiece and 16 full page illustrations from photographs, with tissue guards, hors texte.


    Original publisher’s decoratively embossed leather”Venetian” style, some scuffing to extremities, pictorial endpapers; apart from light scuffing, a very good copy.

    Book ID: 16156
    View cart More details Price: £200.00
  • A NEW SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURE. by Laurence, John.
    Laurence, John.
    A NEW SYSTEM OF AGRICULTURE. Being A Complete Body of Husbandry and Gardening In all the Parts of them. Viz. Husbandry in the FIELD, And Its Several Improvements...In FIVE BOOKS...

    London: for Tho. Woodward, 1726. First edition. Laurence’s “most ambitious literary project...” (Henrey p. 421). With a handsome etched frontispiece by van de Gucht showing the Prince of Wales’s Richmond Lodge or Ormonde Lodge. The work is dedicated to the Princess of Wales, later Queen Caroline to George II, who would eventually improve Richmond Lodge with Charles Bridgeman.. The lodge no longer exists. (Henrey,p. 421 ). Laurence (sometimes spelled Lawrence), who bears the distinction of having written the first original eighteenth century treatise on gardening, THE CLERGY-MAN’S RECREATION, 1714, was rector at Yelverton in Northhamptonshire where he turned an unpromising patch into a thriving fruit garden over the course of 20 years. The first book in this ambitious work…


    London: for Tho. Woodward, 1726. First edition. Laurence’s “most ambitious literary project...” (Henrey p. 421). With a handsome etched frontispiece by van de Gucht showing the Prince of Wales’s Richmond Lodge or Ormonde Lodge. The work is dedicated to the Princess of Wales, later Queen Caroline to George II, who would eventually improve Richmond Lodge with Charles Bridgeman.. The lodge no longer exists. (Henrey,p. 421 ). Laurence (sometimes spelled Lawrence), who bears the distinction of having written the first original eighteenth century treatise on gardening, THE CLERGY-MAN’S RECREATION, 1714, was rector at Yelverton in Northhamptonshire where he turned an unpromising patch into a thriving fruit garden over the course of 20 years. The first book in this ambitious work concerns every aspect of agriculture from dung to brickmaking. Book II describes the characteristics and uses of a great variety of forest trees, timber trees, evergreens and flowering shrubs, all suitable for growing in England without “housing”. Book Three is about the subject for which the author is perhaps best known, fruit culture. Book IV : the kitchen garden. Book V is devoted to the flower garden and includes “A complete catalogue of Flowers great and small perannual (sic) or annual, usually known or propagated in England, either in the naked Ground or Hotbed.” With seven engraved printer’s ornaments by Francis Hoffman. Henrey 945; Hunt 466; Johnson, A HISTORY OF ENGLISH GARDENING p. 156. Folio ( 34.4 x 21.2 cm); (xxiv) + 456 (i.e. 452) pp. + etched frontispiece + 2 copperplate engravings (with 3 impressions); with 7 engraved printer’s ornaments by F. Hoffman.


    Original full leather boards with double gilt ruling, very skillfully rebacked in full leather with gilt ruled raised bands and what is probably the original gilt-lettered title piece; original front pastedown preserved with two bookplates (Hare of Docking, Esq. and L.K. Elmhurst); free endpaper and following blank recent and well-matched; much faded old damp-staining (washed?) appearing in upper margins of some pages, only occasionally appearing in text, at rear pages. The name Charles Martin written in faded ink on title page. A well preserved copy.

    Book ID: 16219
    View cart More details Price: £600.00
    BRADLEY, Richard; AGRICOLA, G(eorg). A(ndreas).
    A PHILOSOPHICAL TREATISE OF HUSBANDRY AND GARDENING: Being A New Method of Cultivating and Increasing all sorts of Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers. A Very Curious Work: Containing many Useful Secrets in Nature, for helping the Vegetation of Trees and Plants, and for fertilizing the most Stubborn Soils... Translated from The High-Dutch, with Remarks: and Adorned with Cuts. The whole Revised and Compared with the Original, together with a Preface, confirming this New Method, By RICHARD BRADLEY.

    London: P. Vaillant, and W. Mears and F. Clay, 1721. First English edition, translated, with additions, by Richard Bradley. "This was the first treatise on cuttings and graftings, and it made Agricola famous." (Hunt 452). Georg Andreas Agricola was a German doctor from Regensburg whose discoveries regarding plant propagation aroused significant interest at the beginning of the eighteenth century. In a book entitled NEU- UND NIE ERHÖRTER DOCH IN DER NATUR UND VERNUNFFT WOHLGEGEGRÜNDETER VERSUCH DER UNIVERSAL VERMEHRUNG ALLER BÄUME, STAUDEN UND BLUMEN-GEWÄCHSE (1716-1717) he first published details of his methods, including the use of a plaster he called "vegetable mummy," to refute exaggerated claims made about his discoveries by another writer. Bradley prepared this English translation and added…


    London: P. Vaillant, and W. Mears and F. Clay, 1721. First English edition, translated, with additions, by Richard Bradley. "This was the first treatise on cuttings and graftings, and it made Agricola famous." (Hunt 452). Georg Andreas Agricola was a German doctor from Regensburg whose discoveries regarding plant propagation aroused significant interest at the beginning of the eighteenth century. In a book entitled NEU- UND NIE ERHÖRTER DOCH IN DER NATUR UND VERNUNFFT WOHLGEGEGRÜNDETER VERSUCH DER UNIVERSAL VERMEHRUNG ALLER BÄUME, STAUDEN UND BLUMEN-GEWÄCHSE (1716-1717) he first published details of his methods, including the use of a plaster he called "vegetable mummy," to refute exaggerated claims made about his discoveries by another writer. Bradley prepared this English translation and added to it his own preface as well as a translation of the preface from the French edition. The text is illustrated with copies of the plates from the original German edition. These plates depict examples of the regenerative process described by Agricola along with the grafting techniques, tools and structures employed in the various operations. In publishing Agricola's discoveries in England Bradley was doing what he seemed to do best: publicizing the latest horticultural advances and theories at a moment close to their inception. Hunt 452; Henrey 411 Royal 4to (27 x 22 cm); (xxiv) + 300 + (iv) pp. + 22 plates (some folding) with 34 engravings.


    Original full calf, blind-stamped on upper and lower covers, with raised bands and gilt ruling on spine; lettering to spine faded; outer hinges partially split and spine ends worn; two old small library stamps on edges of title page.

    Book ID: 14522
    View cart More details Price: £1,300.00
    SIMON LOUIS FRÈRES & Cie./ Grainiers.

    N.P. (Bruyères -Le-Chatel): (Simon Louis Frères & Cie.), ca. 1930. An imressive presentation album of sample seed packet labels with all the plants shown printed in full color against a black background. These are displayed, usually 6 to a page, on tan card stock printed decoratively in light gray with the monogram of the firm and simple frame outlines for the placement of the illustrations. Both vegetables and flowers are shown; the colors are vibrant and the detail, particularly with the vegetables, is both informative and artistic. All designs are labeled. If you want to be able to recognize all your French lettuces, you have only to study these. Unusual and very uncommon. Learn your Lettuces Oblong album (26.5…


    N.P. (Bruyères -Le-Chatel): (Simon Louis Frères & Cie.), ca. 1930. An imressive presentation album of sample seed packet labels with all the plants shown printed in full color against a black background. These are displayed, usually 6 to a page, on tan card stock printed decoratively in light gray with the monogram of the firm and simple frame outlines for the placement of the illustrations. Both vegetables and flowers are shown; the colors are vibrant and the detail, particularly with the vegetables, is both informative and artistic. All designs are labeled. If you want to be able to recognize all your French lettuces, you have only to study these. Unusual and very uncommon. Learn your Lettuces Oblong album (26.5 x 36 cm); with color printed seed packet label designs tipped in to each of 70 unnumbered pages, usually 6 to a page, fewer on about 4 pages; in all, there are approximately 400 color printed labels, each measuring 9 x 5 cm.


    Original stiff paper covers, upper cover printed in brown and gold with the firm’s title, location and monogram; stabbed and tied with original cord; rear cover soiled, corners dog-earred and edges a bit nicked; adhesion blemishes on 4 or 5 samples, else fine.

    Book ID: 16451
    View cart More details Price: £550.00
  • (Capability Brown)
    DEAN, William.
    AN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF CROOME D'ABITOT, The Seat Of The Right Hon. The Earl Of Coventry; With Biographical Notices Of the Coventry Family To Which Are Annexed An HORTUS CROOMENSIS And Observations On The Propagation Of Exotics.

    Worcester: for the Author, 1824. First edition, with subscribers' list, of this scarce guide book for Croome Court, the Worcestershire country seat of the Earl of Coventry which was notably transformed by Capability Brown in the mid-eighteenth century. The first portion of the text provides detailed descriptions of the site, the family, the approaches and entrances to the domain, the house (also designed by Brown), and, most importantly, the pleasure grounds and the Park, one of the "largest undertakings of Brown's early practice" (-Stroud, CAPABILITY BROWN, pg. 57). "In the grounds created out of what had been 'as hopeless a spot as any in the island', he formed a serpentine lake, built a grotto at the head of the…


    Worcester: for the Author, 1824. First edition, with subscribers' list, of this scarce guide book for Croome Court, the Worcestershire country seat of the Earl of Coventry which was notably transformed by Capability Brown in the mid-eighteenth century. The first portion of the text provides detailed descriptions of the site, the family, the approaches and entrances to the domain, the house (also designed by Brown), and, most importantly, the pleasure grounds and the Park, one of the "largest undertakings of Brown's early practice" (-Stroud, CAPABILITY BROWN, pg. 57). "In the grounds created out of what had been 'as hopeless a spot as any in the island', he formed a serpentine lake, built a grotto at the head of the water, and designed a tunnel under the main road to link parts of the estate. In this demanding commission, his success established beyond doubt his ability as an architect as well as as a landscape designer" (OXFORD COMPANION TO GARDENS, pg 75). These features are all described by Dean, accompanied by illustrations which depict the temple, the mansion (with view of the bridge), a view of Brown's church and one of his rotunda. Post-Brownian features such as the greenhouse designed by Robert Adam and the memorial to Brown are described in the text. An appendix provides extracts from historical notices of Croome and its occupiers starting with the Domesday Book and concluding with a description of the garden from the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1792. William Dean was the gardener at Croome and cultivated over 5000 different varieties of plants there, including a substantial collection of exotics. He has included with his guide a 147 page HORTUS CROOMENSIS, which provides a catalogue of these plants giving Latin binomial, English name, place of origin and time of flowering. In conclusion, Dean provides two short essays entitled "Observations On The Progagation of Exotics. (Part I, from Cuttings; Part II, from Seeds)" Abbey Scenery 416. 8vo (20 x 12.2cm); 161 + (1) pp. + 12 unnumbered pp. of subscribers’ list + 4 aquatint engraved plates including frontispiece.


    Original paper over boards, soiled, with newer paper spine sympathetically aged, remnant of original spine label relaid. Original endpapers; some discoloration from aquatints on opposite text sections.

    Book ID: 16548
    Tags: olympia3
    View cart More details Price: £800.00
  • (Greenhouses)
    French Watercolour.

    (France): ca. 1900. An accomplished watercolour showing a greenhouse completely covered in the pale green wooden slate screen once used regularly in glass house cultivation. The structure is set within an area laid out with trees, bedding plants, and paths. A decorative doorway and a flexible ladder over the top of the house distinguish the drawing. Probably from an album or a series of sketches. Very attractive. 15 x 24.5 cm.

    Watercolour sketch on paper; edges unfinished. In very good condition. Simple, temporary paper mat provided.

    Book ID: 16580
    View cart More details Price: £125.00
  • (Rheinsberg)
    (HENNERT, Carl Wilhelm).

    Berlin, Freidrich Nicolai, 1778, (1991). Facsimile reprint of this 18th century guide book to the royal gardens at Rheinsberg located northwest of Berlin. 12mo (17 x 10 cm); 95 pp. + folding plan of the garden loosely inserted.

    Original paper-covered boards.

    Book ID: 15145
    View cart More details Price: £12.00
  • (American Plant Catalogue)
    YOUNG, William Jr.

    Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1916. A facsimile reprint of this rare catalogue of American plants published in Paris in 1783 by William Young. Young, a horticulturist living in Philadelphia, offered plants for sale in France, listing separately those he could provide himself and those available from other sources. This reprint was published in a edition of 250 copies by its editor, Samuel N. Rhodes, who also provides biographical and critical notes. FROM SEED TO FLOWER #5, this edition. 8vo (24 x 16 cm); xi + (4) + 55 pp.

    Original cloth-backed boards, fine; text pages uncut.

    Book ID: 16619
    View cart More details Price: £100.00
  • (Cactus)
    (Angel & fils)
    CACTÉES... Quelques Conseils d'Angel & Fils (cover title).

    Paris: n.d. (ca, 1950). An imaginative and charming advertising booklet promoting cactus collecting and cultivation with drawings printed in colors and hand-lettered text printed in brown ink. The text provides directions for replanting, for creating little "Japanese" gardens in tray arrangements, and for handling slips or cuttings and for sowing seeds. Prices are given for various sizes of cactus, for vases and pots, and for Japanese ornaments used in the tray gardens. Oblong 12mo (22.2 x 18.2 cm); 12 pp., including covers, printed and illustrated in colors.

    Original self wraps; a well preserved copy of a fragile item. With printed florist's card laid in listing the 8 commandments of the "cacteophile."

    Book ID: 12725
    View cart More details Price: £75.00
    CATALOGUE DE LA VINGTIEME EXPOSITION DE FLEURS, Ouverte Les 21, 22 Et 23 Juin 1840, A La Grande Salle Académique De L'Université.

    Liége: Imprimerie De N. Redouté, 1840. The catalogue lists 460 flowers exhibited at the Exposition and provides brief accounts of several concurrent meetings and official reports. 8vo (20 x 12.9 cm); 43 pp.

    Spine perished and front wrapper lacking; light stain along edge of margin on some leaves, one corner partially worn away.

    Book ID: 13174
    View cart More details Price: £30.00
  • (Orchid Auction)
    (AUGUST ROLKER, Auctioneer)

    (New York). The printed catalogue of an orchid sale to be held on Wednesday, September 11, 1889, at Rolker & Sons sales room by order of Frederick Mau of Weehawken, New Jersey. The sale was comprised of "25 Grand and distinct Varieties of Cattleya Trianae with flower sheaths, C. Trianae Alba, C. Bogotensis Alba, Saccolabium giganteum Album," and much more. There are 326 lots listed, some with a bit of description, such as: CYPRIPEDIUM SEEGERIANUM: "Hybrid between Cypripedium Harrisianum and Cypripedium Spicerianum; only in a few collections can this superb Cypripedium be found..." Nineteenth century orchid auction catalogues are quite uncommon. Stitched pamphlet 22 x14.5 cm.,18 pp.

    Scattered light to moderate foxing to text.

    Book ID: 15880
    View cart More details Price: £250.00
  • (Garden Ornament)
    (D. MORIARTY, manufacturer).

    New Orleans, LA & Elmhurst, Cal: D. Moriarty, ca. 1904. A trade catalogue of curious inventions in vases with hollow interiors allowing the roots to connect directly with the ground. Also, a decorative “truck “ or tray filled with dirt for the roots to grow into is available to make the vases moveable. Some vases are available in different colored imitation granite. Those shown in color plate are available in “Red Scotch granite,” “Blue Westerly granite,” “ Dark Barre granite,” “Vermont marble” and “Green Barre granite.” Prices are included and, for extra charge, the vases could be carved “as elegantly as desired.” Not found in OCLC. Stapled oblong pamphlet, 17 x 25.5 cm.; 12 unnumbered pp. with text figures and with 5 color lithographed plates.

    Original paper covers with printed title design on upper cover; also rubber stamp indicating Grand Prize win at the World’s Fair on upper cover; on title page, two rubber stamps indicating Grand Prize award at the St. Louis 1904 World’s Fair; the faintest occasional foxing, else fine.

    Book ID: 16217
    Tags: olympia3
    View cart More details Price: £150.00
  • (Trade Card - lawnmowers, railings, pumps, wind engines)
    (MAST, FOOS & CO.)
    CHROMOLITHOGRAPHED TRADE CARD “BOOKLET” of mostly BUCKEYE Horticultural and Agricultural Products.

    Springfield, Ohio: (Mast, Foos & Co.), n.d. An amusing late 19th century American set of square advertising cards held together by a grommet at the upper right corners enabling the reader to go through an illustrated “story”. In a progression from “Admiration” through “Flirtation,” “Tribulation” to “Termination,” a little outdoor garden romance takes place in the four scenes with a lady mowing a lawn attracting a gentleman pumping water (with a wind turbine in the background) and ending up with the two embracing at a decorative iron gate. On the “versos” of the chromolithographed scenes are advertisements for Mast, Foos & Co.’s wind engine Buckeye iron fence, Buckeye junior lawnmower, and Buckeye force pump. Get out there and create…


    Springfield, Ohio: (Mast, Foos & Co.), n.d. An amusing late 19th century American set of square advertising cards held together by a grommet at the upper right corners enabling the reader to go through an illustrated “story”. In a progression from “Admiration” through “Flirtation,” “Tribulation” to “Termination,” a little outdoor garden romance takes place in the four scenes with a lady mowing a lawn attracting a gentleman pumping water (with a wind turbine in the background) and ending up with the two embracing at a decorative iron gate. On the “versos” of the chromolithographed scenes are advertisements for Mast, Foos & Co.’s wind engine Buckeye iron fence, Buckeye junior lawnmower, and Buckeye force pump. Get out there and create your garden with the latest enhancements and equipment! Watch out for the cat’s tail while mowing the lawn Four cards, 6.2 x 6.2 cm each, held together by a grommet at upper right corner.


    One side of each of the four cards is printed with a chromolithographed illustration; the “verso” is lithographed with advertising text in black, bearing the imprint “Coback & Co. Lith. Buffalo, N.Y.” In very good condition.

    Book ID: 16689
    View cart More details Price: £135.00
  • CIVIC ART. by MAWSON, Thomas H.
    MAWSON, Thomas H.
    CIVIC ART. Studies In Town Planning, Parks, Boulevards and Open Spaces.

    London: B.T. Batsford, 1911. First edition. Mawson's enormous success as a landscape architect led him to town planning projects in Bolton, Southport, Athens, Calgary and Vancouver. He served as president of the Town Planning Institute and became one of Britain's foremost early town planners. His CIVIC ART provided an impressive text book on his ideas for town planning, similar in character to the later editions of his better known ART AND CRAFT OF GARDEN MAKING, the fourth edition of which appeared in the following year and which greatly resembled CIVIC ART in format and style of illustration. Mawson stressed the need for a deliberate system of aesthetics for town planning and relied heavily on examples from his own practice…


    London: B.T. Batsford, 1911. First edition. Mawson's enormous success as a landscape architect led him to town planning projects in Bolton, Southport, Athens, Calgary and Vancouver. He served as president of the Town Planning Institute and became one of Britain's foremost early town planners. His CIVIC ART provided an impressive text book on his ideas for town planning, similar in character to the later editions of his better known ART AND CRAFT OF GARDEN MAKING, the fourth edition of which appeared in the following year and which greatly resembled CIVIC ART in format and style of illustration. Mawson stressed the need for a deliberate system of aesthetics for town planning and relied heavily on examples from his own practice to illustrate his theories. The volume is divided into four parts: the theory of Civic Art; the practice of Civic Art; examples of town planning; and examples of public parks and town gardens. Appendices concerning trees and shrubs are also included. Folio (35.6 x 26.5 cm); (vi) + 376 pp. with color frontispiece and one color plate, decorative chapter titles, numerous reproductions of plans, engravings, drawings, and photographs.


    Original cloth gilt ruled and lettered on upper cover and spine, extremities very gently worn, slight separation of cloth along 2 inches of spine edge, else a very good copy.

    Book ID: 15837
    View cart More details Price: £450.00
  • (Pressed Flower Album)
    COLO. BEAUTIES (cover title). by (Anonymous)
    COLO. BEAUTIES (cover title).

    (Colorado): n.d. ( ca. 1900 ). A very well preserved souvenir album of collected Colorado wild flowers bound in a hand-painted, ribbon-tied binding. Below each of the twelve preserved specimens the plant’s popular name, botanical name and a reference (Torrey, Gray, etc) are hand-written in pen. We have seen similar, though not identical bindings for botanical collecting in Colorado, suggesting that these (blank) notebooks were available to tourists hiking the fields, meadows, etc. 19.2 x 10.7 cm; 12 leaves of heavy stock with mounted natural specimens and hand-written identifications on rectos only.

    Original hand-painted dark boards with ribbon ties, ties gently frayed, but intact; all edges gauffered and gilt; leaves with specimens fresh and clean, with only the occasional small segment of a specimen lacking.

    Book ID: 16154
    View cart More details Price: £250.00
  • (Trade Card - Horticulturist)
    (REMI MEYER & CO.)

    Gand: ca. 1840, 1850. This "porcelain" trade card for the horticultural establishment of Remi Mayer is printed in blue, maroon and gold with four vignettes, each framed, surrounding the proprietor's name. Within the four vignettes are views of the nursery, itself, with its cold frames and planted beds, and views of garden settings, an approach to a house, a view across a pond to a gate and another view across a ringed pond. The lithography is by F. & F. Gyselynch at Gand. Single sheet of glossy card stock, 11 x 16 cm, printed in colors.

    Card stock mounted on conservation stock and matted with exterior measurements of mat at 30.5 x 33 cm.

    Book ID: 15591
    Tags: olympia6
    View cart More details Price: £163.00
  • (Greenhouses)
    COLOR LITHOGRAPHED TRADE CARD: Frs. Van De Cappelle-DePretter.

    Gand: ca. 1840, 1850. A "porcelain" trade card for the greenhouse builders Van De Cappell-De Pretter, rue de la Caverne, No. 50, Gand. The printing in gold and blue is by the Gand lithographers, G. Jacqmain. The card is illustrated with a view of a greenhouse in a gardenesque setting with fountain, house and two small human figures, all printed within a decorative Gothic-style frame. A lengthy caption informs the viewer that examples of the firm's "confection de serres en Fer" can be seen at the Verschaffelt nursery, at Van Houte's outside of Bruxelles, and in Paris at "MM les Barons Rotschild." Cartes porcelaines or "porcelain cards" were produced in the mid-nineteenth century lithography with a thin layer of…


    Gand: ca. 1840, 1850. A "porcelain" trade card for the greenhouse builders Van De Cappell-De Pretter, rue de la Caverne, No. 50, Gand. The printing in gold and blue is by the Gand lithographers, G. Jacqmain. The card is illustrated with a view of a greenhouse in a gardenesque setting with fountain, house and two small human figures, all printed within a decorative Gothic-style frame. A lengthy caption informs the viewer that examples of the firm's "confection de serres en Fer" can be seen at the Verschaffelt nursery, at Van Houte's outside of Bruxelles, and in Paris at "MM les Barons Rotschild." Cartes porcelaines or "porcelain cards" were produced in the mid-nineteenth century lithography with a thin layer of white lead producing their beautiful porcelain-like effect. They were chiefly produced in Belgium between the late 1830s and the early 1860s and used as business or announcement cards. Their production was discontinued because of health hazards connected with the lead. Single sheet of glossy card stock, 10.5 x 14.2 cm., printed in colors.


    A few minor scratches at extremities, but a well preserved example, mounted on conservation stock and matted, measuring 30.1 x 33 cm. at exterior of mat.

    Book ID: 15590
    Tags: olympia6
    View cart More details Price: £187.00
  • (Trade card - Horticulturist)
    (VAN GEERT, J.)
    COLOR LITHOGRAPHED TRADE CARD: "J. Van Geert, Horticulteur-Fleuriste..."

    Ghent: (ca 1840, 1850). A handsome trade card for J. Van Geert, nurseryman and florist in Ghent. These meticulously printed cards were called "porcelain" cards because of their glossy finish and multi-colored lithography. In this case the printing, by G. Jacqmain of Ghent, is in gold, green, black and red. The image incorporates an oval framed engraved portrait of Flora, a round framed engraving of an outdoor pavilion with staged potted plants, another round framed engraving of two figures in a garden standing by a planted vase on a pedestal, and, at the bottom, a large building which evidently housed the firm. Planted vases, satyrs and putti also embellish the card. Single sheet of glossy card stock (12.5 x 17.1 cm) printed in colors.

    Original porcelain card with fresh colors mounted on acid free board with mat opening measuring 13.3 x 18 cm, and mat measuring 30.5 x 33 cm. over all.

    Book ID: 15588
    View cart More details Price: £163.00
  • (Wildflowers)
    (KNAPP, John Leonard.)
    COUNTRY RAMBLES IN ENGLAND Or Journal of a Naturalist; With Notes and Additions, By The Author of "Rural Hours."

    Buffalo: Phinney & Co, 1853. First American edition with Susan Fenimore Cooper's introduction and appendix. BAL 3963. With bright and charming American chromolithographed frontispiece and decorative title. The naturalist John Knapp's writing on the landscape, wild flowers, ancient trees, vegetation and birds of the southern counties of England is presented to American readers here by Cooper with a detailed appendix noting similarities or differences in the American landscape. 8vo (19 x 12 cm); chromolithographed frontispiece + chromolithographed decorative title + 336 + (1) pp. with 5 text engravings + 2 engraved plates.

    Original blind and gilt -stamped cloth, lettering and landscape vignette on upper cover, decoratively gilt title on spine faded; scattered light foxing to text, but a well preserved copy.

    Book ID: 15779
    View cart More details Price: £65.00